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Employee monitoring can be a controversial subject. In recent years, technology has transformed the monitoring of staff as workplaces adapt to changing practices. This blog examines how employee monitoring can benefit businesses and how employees should be made aware of the tactics being deployed and reasoning behind them.
3 minute readBiotechnology is continuing to grow and, in doing so, is improving both quality of life and the environment. In this article, Stuart Nunn, Senior Area Manager at Reed, looks in more detail at the current state of the biotech industry.
5 minute readChemical engineering is an exciting field with branches in research, manufacturing, environmental, biological and energy. The role helps solve some of the planet’s biggest challenges and offers a host of career prospects. This article explores what it means to be a chemical engineer in the UK.
6 minute readFinance and accountancy offer excellent and financially rewarding career opportunities. If you are considering entering this sector, you may be wondering what the highest paying jobs in finance are. In this article, we look at the top 10 best paying jobs in finance and accounting based on our 2024 salary guides, and provide a summary of each job, the skills needed to succeed, and average salaries across the UK.
6 minute readSEND Teacher, David Wilkes, recently found a permanent position at Aurora Wilden View School, in the West Midlands, with the help of Reed’s education team. We spoke to David about his experience and his motivation behind moving to the new role.
5 minute readThe Data Protection and Digital Information Bill aims to provide more clarity on data protection, while giving businesses greater flexibility. In this article, we take a closer look at the Bill and consider the key benefits for businesses.
4 minute readRamadan is an important time of the year for Muslims around the world. During this month, healthy Muslims observe a daily fast from sunrise to sunset, abstain from food and drink, and engage in increased prayer and reflection. In this guide, we’ll provide an in-depth look at the best ways for managers to support their Muslim colleagues during Ramadan.
4 minute readIn today's challenging education market, attracting and retaining the best teachers is essential for the success and reputation of your school. To do this, the first step is to develop a compelling employee value proposition (EVP) that distinguishes you as an employer of choice. In this article, we explore the key components of a great EVP and provide a five-step approach to creating one.
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